Astrology Index | Numerology Index | Glossary A-LAstrology Glossary - continued
malefic An archaic term applied to planets and aspects whose influence was thought to be negative or destructive. Traditionally, Saturn is the Greater Malefic; Mars, the Lesser Malefic. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were also classed as malefics. The Square, opposition and other disharmonious aspects were once considered malefic aspects. Mansions of the Moon, Moon Mansions Synonymous with Lunar Mansions. See Lunar Mansions. map A horoscope. masculine degrees Degrees that foster masculine attributes in both males and females when occupied by the Ascendant or chart ruler. H.L. Cornell, M.D., specifies the following as masculine degrees; 8°, 15° and 30° in Aries; 11°, 21° and 30° in Taurus; 16° and 26° in Gemini; 2°, 10°, 23° and 30° in Cancer;5°, 15° and 30° in Leo; 12° and 30° in Virgo; 5°, 20° and 30° in Libra; 4°, 17° and 30° in Scorpio; 2°, 12° and 30° in Sagittarius; 11° and 30° in Capricorn; 5°, 21° and 27° in Aquarius; 10°, 23° and 30° in Pisces. masculine signs The fire and air signs, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. They are suggestive of aggressiveness in contrast with the receptivity expressed in feminine signs. Also called positive signs. mean motion Average motion or rate of travel within a specified time period. medical astrology The branch of astrology devoted to the study of the human body, disease and health according to astrological symbolism portrayed in a horoscope. Medium Coeli From the Latin, literally middle of the heavens; the culminating degree of the ecliptic, commonly called Midheaven, abbreviated MC. In an unequal house system the MC, one of the angles of a horoscope, forms the cusp of the tenth house. meridian A great circle, encircling Earth, that passes through the North and South Poles. A line of longitude. Metonic Cycle The nineteen-year cycle named for the Athenian astronomer Meton who discovered (ca. 432) that the new Moon occurs on the same day of the year at approximate nineteen-year intervals. meteorological astrology (astro-meteorology) The use of astrology for forecasting the weather conditions, earthquakes, and severe storms. Also called natural astrology. Midheaven The most commonly used term for Medium Coeli, usually designated by the initials M.C. See also Medium Coeli. midnight ephemeris An ephemeris that lists astrological data exact at the beginning of the day, 12:00 A.M. Also called zero hour ephemeris (12:00 A.M. = 00:00:00). See also ephemeris. midpoint A zodiacal point in a horoscope that is equidistant from two planets. Two midpoints exist for each pair of planets. Aspects to a midpoint activate the two planets involved. Interchangeable with half-sum. Midpoints are largely used by cosmobiologists. See also cosmobiology. Milky Way the galaxy of which our solar system is a part. See also Galaxy. minor planets Synonymous with inner planets; those planets whose orbits lie between the Sun and Asteroid Belt. See inner planets. movable signs An alternate term for cardinal signs. See cardinal signs. multiple conjunction A planetary arrangement in which three or more planets form a series of conjunctions that may extend from one sign into another. A member of a multiple conjunction is influenced by aspects to other members (aspect by association) even if the orb is too wide to normally include that planet. Also called a stellium. See also stellium. mundane aspects Aspects by house rather than by degree. For example, a mundane sextile from a planet on the cusp of the second house to one on the cusp of the fourth might be less or more than the 60° required for a zodiacal sextile depending upon the size of the houses. mundane astrology That branch of astrology that deals with world events and universal trends rather than the individual. mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, all of which express adaptability and flexibility to some degree. They are associated naturally with cadent house; the third, sixth, ninth and twelfth, respectively. Synonymous with common signs. mute signs the water signs; Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, so-called because they are traditionally depicted as mute creatures: the crab, the scorpion and the fish, respectively. They are often associated with communication difficulties. mutilated degrees So designated because of the ancient belief that if the Ascendant, chart ruler or Moon occupied any of these degrees, lameness was indicated. Sometimes referred to as lame degrees, they are: 6°-10° Taurus, 9°-15° Cancer, 18°-28° Leo, 18°-19° Scorpio, 1°, 7°, 8°, 18° and 19° in Sagittarius, 26°-29° Capricorn, and 18°-19° Aquarius. mutual application Said of two planets moving toward each other, one direct and the other retrograde. mutual reception Two planets placed in each other's sign of essential dignity are in mutual reception, "en rapport". Mutual reception provides a harmonious link between planets not in aspect and strengthens the aspect if one exists. nadir The point in the celestial sphere directly opposite the zenith; the point directly beneath an observer on Earth; the low point. Naibod arc Mean daily motion of the sun, 59' 08"; used to progress a natal horoscope by assuming one Naibod arc equals one year of life, according to the method introduced by Johann Naibod, sixteenth century astrologer and mathematician. See also solar arc. native A traditional term that refers to a person for whom a horoscope is erected. natal astrology The branch of astrology dealing with the individual. the horoscope cast for the birth time of the individual, showing life potentials, is called a natal horoscope, geniture, radix, or nativity. nativity A natal horoscope. natural astrology See Meteorological astrology. natural chart A chart with 0° Aries on the cusp of the first house that shows the natural horoscope position of signs. Also called a flat chart. navamsas From Hindu astrology, a ninefold division of each sign into 3 1/3° segments, each segment influenced by a sign of the zodiac. The first navamsa of Aries is sub-ruled by Aries, the next by Taurus, and so on, continuing the natural order of the zodiac through the ninth navamsa of Pisces, sub-ruled by Pisces. These "signs within a sign" create variations in interpretation of different degrees of a particular sign. negative signs Earth and water signs; an alternate term used to describe "feminine" characteristics of receptivity and passivity. See also feminine signs. new Moon Lunation; the beginning of a lunation cycle and of the waxing phase. Moon conjunct Sun. nocturnal From the Latin nocturnus, of night. Refers to the lower (northern) hemisphere of a horoscope, the "night" section, that part of the heavens that falls below Earth's horizon. nocturnal arc The time expressed in right ascension that it takes a planet or degree of the zodiac to move from its setting point on the horizon to its rising point. nocturnal signs Signs whose natural positions are in the nocturnal or northern hemisphere of a horoscope: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo. Also called northern signs. nodal chart An equal house chart, which places the Moon's South Node at the Ascendant, used primarily by medical astrologers to diagnose health problems. In this context, the South Node and Ascendant represent the head, the North Node and Decendant the feet, the lower hemisphere the right side of the body and the upper hemisphere the left. node The point of intersection of a planet's orbit and the ecliptic. nonagesimal The point 90° from the Ascendant. The highest point of the ecliptic above the horizon. nonile A ninth harmonic aspect based on division of 360° by 9 (40°). A minor aspect, the nonile is seldom used by modern astrologers. It was once given a fatalistic connotation. nova Literally new star; applied to stars that suddenly appear with great brilliance then fade; an exploding star. oblique ascension A measurement determined by the angle (ascensional difference) between the point on the celestial equator rising with a planet rising at a point not at the equator. oblique desension The angular complement of oblique ascension; i.e., 180° minus the oblique ascension arc. obliquity of the ecliptic The angle between the plane of the ecliptic and the plane of the equator. It now measures about 23°27', and is decreasing at the rate of one minute in 128 years. occidental Literally western; said of a planet that rises and sets after the Sun. occidental houses Correctly, houses that lie in the western (occidental) portion of a horoscope, houses four through nine. Sometimes used to describe first and third quadrant houses (one, two, three, seven, eight and nine), those houses that are moving away from the vertical axis toward the horizon (in a clockwise direction in a horoscope). occultation From the Latin occultatio, a hiding; an eclipse of a planet. The term eclipse is usually applied to an occultation that hides the Sun or Moon from Earth's view; occultation describes eclipses that obstruct Earth's view of planets other than the Sun or Moon. The eclipsing planet is emphasized over the occulted (hidden) planet in interpreting the accompanying conjunction between the two planets forming an occultation. opposition A second harmonic aspect, separating distance 180°. a major hard aspect, the opposition creates awareness, attraction and antagonism between the planets in polarity. orb The number of degrees by which an aspect may vary from partile (exactness) and remain effective. orbit The path a heavenly body follows as it travels around another stellar body. oriental Literally eastern; said of a planet that rises and sets before the Sun. The oriental planet, called the leading planet, is the one that will rise immediately before the Sun; i.e., the planet that directly precedes the Sun clockwise (behind the Sun in the natural order of the zodiac). oriental houses Houses that lie in the eastern (oriental) hemisphere of a horoscope, houses one, two, three, ten, eleven, and twelve. Sometimes used to describe those houses moving away (clockwise) from the horizon (Ascendant-Decendant axis) and toward the vertical axis (meridian axis, MC-IC axis), the second and fourth quadrant houses, namely houses four, five, six, ten, eleven and twelve. outer houses Those planets whose orbits fall outside the Asteroid Belt; also called major planets because of their larger orbits. See also major planets. Pallas, Pallas Athena The second asteroid discovered in the early nineteenth century, named after the Greek goddess of war, wisdom and handicrafts. parallel The angular relationship between two planets that occupy the same degree (within 1° orb) and direction of declination, both north or both south. Interpretational emphasis is similar to that of a weak conjunction. See also declination. partile The degree at which an aspect is precisely exact (0° orb). An aspect that is within 1° orb is said to be exact but not partile. Part of Fortune The Arabian Part most commonly used by western astrologers. Calculated by subtracting the Sun's position from the sum of the Ascendant's and Moon's positions, the degree occupied by the Part of Fortune symbolizes good fortune. Also called Fortuna and Pars Fortunæ. See also Fortuna, Arabian Parts. penumbra Literally partial shadow; the partially lighted area around any completely darkened area (umbra) of full shadow. penumbral eclipse The term applied when the Moon passes through Earth's penumbra; the shadow does not obliterate the Moon form Earth's view but causes it to appear orangish or copper-colored. peregrine From the Latin peregrinus, foreigner. Said of a planet that does not occupy a sign of essential dignity or debilitation and is not in mutual reception with any other planet. A peregrine planet is said to drift aimlessly and lack standing in the horoscope; its action depends upon planets with which it is aspected. perigee The point of orbit at which a planet is closest to Earth. perihelion The point in a planet's orbit that lies closest to the Sun. periodical lunation Term applied to the transiting Moon's monthly return to the exact position occupied in a natal horoscope. See also lunar period. phase Any of the stages of variation in appearance or illumination of a planet; used most commonly to describe the various stages in the Moon's cycle. See also lunation cycle, waning phase, waxing phase. Placidean houses The house system devised by the Spanish monk, Placidus de Tito (seventeenth century). Placidus' system, still widely used today, is based on the trisection of nocturnal and diurnal semi-arcs. The time it takes from each degree of the ecliptic to rise from the lower meridian to the horizon (nocturnal semi-arc) and to rise from the horizon to the upper meridian (diurnal semi-arc) is adapted to space. planet From the Greek planetes, wanderer; used astrologically to describe any heavenly body which when viewed from Earth appears to move, as distinguished from fixed stars. planetary hours A system devised by ancient astrologers that assigned one of the seven planets then known to each hour of the day. The first hour of sunrise was ruled by the planetary day ruler (Sunday, Sun; Monday, Moon; Tuesday, Mars; Wednesday, Mercury; Thursday, Jupiter; Friday, Venus; Saturday, Saturn) and each hour thereafter governed by the next faster moving planet in rotation from Saturn to Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon and back to Saturn throughout the twenty-four-hour period. Planetary energy was thought to be focused during the days and hours associated with a planet. planetary node The point at which a planet's path intersects the ecliptic; declination, 0°. The term is usually reserved for nodes other than the Moon's Nodes. planetary patterns Used interchangeably with shaping. Sometimes equated with aspect patterns. See also shaping, Bowl, Bucket, Bundle, Locomotive, See-Saw, Splash, Splay. platic Term used to describe any aspect that is not exact (within 1° orb) but within allowable orb. Plato Greek 429-355 B.C., studied in Egypt and elsewhere, pupil of Socrates, fellow student of Euclid, follower of Pythagoras. His contribution to Astrology was setting the problem of representing courses of the planets by circular and uniform motions. Pleiades A group of fixed stars in the constellation Taurus. They are called the "Weeping Sisters" because, according to Greek mythology, seven sisters, Alcyone, Merope, Celæno, Taygeta, Maia, Electra and Sterope, daughters of Atlas and the nymph Pleione, killed themselves for grief when Atlas was transformed into a mountain. According to a different version, Jupiter transformed the sisters into stars so they could escape the attentions of Orion. The largest star in the group is Alcyone at about 29° Taurus. polarity The contrasting and complementary qualities shown by signs opposite each other in the zodiac. pole Either end of the axis of any sphere such as the Earth, the celestial sphere, etc. Porphyry Philosopher (233-304 A.D.) of the Neo-Platonic school who devised a house system based on dividing each quadrant of a horoscope, as determined by the angles, into three houses of equal size. Poseidon The eighth symbolic planet used in Uranian astrology. See also Uranian astrology. positive signs All air and fire signs; used to describe the outgoing, dynamic qualities characteristic of these signs. Also called masculine signs. See also Masculine signs. precession The circular motion of Earth's axis around the pole of the ecliptic, caused by the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon on the bulging part of the equator. One complete revolution takes approximately twenty-five thousand years to complete. precession of the equinoxes The gradual westward shift (about 50" each year) of the equinoctial points along the ecliptic due to the ecliptic due to the rotational movement of the poles of Earth's axis. This phenomena creates an increasing difference in the tropical (based upon the ecliptic and the Sun's ingress into the sing Aries) and the sidereal zodiacs (based upon constellations) or about 50" each year. See also ayanamsa, equinox, precession, Tropical zodiac, sidereal zodiac. prenatal epoch The astrological moment of conception. According to Ptolemy, the natal Ascendant or Descendant coincides with the Moon's zodiacal position at the prenatal epoch, ten lunar months prior to birth, more or less; used primarily in chart rectification. primary directions Originally, a mathematically complicated system of progressing a horoscope based upon the diurnal rotation of the Earth. The term is now loosely applied to any method of advancing house cusps, but usually does not include planetary progressions. prime meridian The great circle that passes through Earth's poles and Greenwich, England (0° longitude), from which longitude is measured east and west. See also longitude, geographical or terrestrial. prime vertical The great circle that rises vertically from the east point of the horizon and passes through Earth's zenith and nadir. progressions The general term applied to any method of advancing the planets and house cusps of a natal horoscope to a particular time after birth. promittor The slower moving of two planets in aspect; the receiver of an aspect. Ptolemy, Claudius A great astrologer, astronomer and geographer of the second century (ca. 100-178 A.D.) who developed the theory that Earth is the motionless center of the universe about which the planets, sun and Moon revolve. Ptolemy's work, recorded in his Tetrabiblos, was based in part upon the earlier works of Hipparchus (ca. 190-120 B.C.), who catalogued the known stars and, through his observations, discovered Precession of the Equinoxes. The Ptolmaic theory was widely accepted until replaced by the Copernican theory, put forth in the sixteenth century, which states that Earth is a moving planet, thus laying the foundation for later discoveries. Pythagoras Greek 569-470 B.C., studied in Egypt. Left nothing in writing but is supposed to said that the Earth, Moon and planets and fixed stars revolved round the Sun. Copernicus in the sixteenth century claimed him as the originator of the system which he revived. quadrant One of the four sections of a horoscope, each bounded by two angles not opposite each other. quadrate, quartile Synonymous with square. See Square. quadrupedian signs Alternate term for bestial signs. See bestial signs. quadruplicity One of the three qualitative groups (cardinal, fixed, mutable) in which each of the four member signs share a common mode of expression. quincunx A minor hard aspect, separating distance 150°, the fifth multiple of the twelfth harmonic (30°, semi-sextile). Interpretation focuses on adjustmental needs. Also called an inconjunct. quindecile A minor easy aspect, the fifteenth harmonic, 24°. quintile The fifth harmonic, 72°, a minor easy aspect. radical Having to do with the natal horoscope. radical chart The natal horoscope. In horary astrology, the term radical applies to a chart deemed readable by virtue of the Ascendant being greater than 3° and less than 27° in any sign. radical position The position a planet occupies in a natal horoscope. radix From the Latin, literally root. A natal horoscope. rapport measurement From the French, literally related measurement; applied to progressions based on advancing a planet's natal position one degree for each year after birth. reception Shortened form of mutual reception. See mutual reception. rectification The correcting of an inexact birthtime or the determining of an unknown birthtime through astrological methods. refranation The failure of an applying aspect to culminate, when the significator turns retrograde before reaching partile. Regiomontanus The German astrologer (fifteenth century) who devised the house system that bears his name. This system is based upon twelve equal divisions along Earth's equator projected upon the ecliptic. relative houses House three, seven, and eleven, ruled naturally by air signs. Function focuses on human relationships. As a group, these houses form the Trinity of Association. retrograde application Term used in reference to a retrograde planet which, because of its retrograde motion, applies to an aspect with another planet. If both planets are moving toward each other, the term mutual application is used. retrograde motion The apparent backward motion of a planet when it appears, as observed from Earth, to reverse its natural direction of travel and move backward in the zodiac. revolution One complete orbit or cycle. In a natal chart, a planet's return to its natal degree upon completing a circuit of the map. right ascension Measurement along the celestial equator eastward from 0° Aries that describes planetary positions in terms of degrees, minutes and seconds, not zodiacal signs. Sidereal time expressed in unit of arc. rising planet Any planet that is near the Ascendant in the natal horoscope. Rising planets will have a significant influence on the personality. rising sign Synonymous with Ascendant. See Ascendant. ruling planet The ruling planet of the horoscope is that planet said to "rule" the Ascending sign. Likewise, planets are said to rule the various houses in the chart based on the sign on the cusp of the respect houses. The planetary ruler of the signs are: Aries, Mars; Taurus and Libra, Venus; Gemini and Virgo, Mercury; Cancer, the Moon; Leo, the Sun; Scorpio, Pluto; Sagittarius, Jupiter; Capricorn, Saturn; Aquarius, Uranus; Pisces, Neptune. ruminant signs an obsolete term applied to signs symbolized by cud-chewing animals, namely, Aries (ram), Taurus (bull), and Capricorn (goat). Sabian symbols A system developed by Elsie Wheeler (psychically), Marc Edmund Jones and Dane Rudhyar that assigns an occult or esoteric meaning to each degree of the zodiac. Saros cycle The eighteen-year (approximate) cycle, containing an average of forty-one solar eclipses and twenty-nine lunar eclipses, in which an eclipse from each current Saros Series appears. satellitium A little-used term synonymous with stellium. See also multiple conjunction, stellium. secondary progressions, secondary directions The method of progressing a natal horoscope in which each day after birth is equated to a corresponding number of years after birth; commonly referred to as "day for a year" progressions. See-Saw The shaping arrangement in which, according to Marc Edmund Jones, the planets form tow distinct groups roughly opposite each other in a horoscope; symbolizing balance or the need to seek balance as a strong motivating factor. semi-decile The twentieth harmonic, 18°; interpreted as a weak minor easy aspect. Also called a vigintile. semi-quintile See decile. semi-sextile One of the more influential minor easy aspects, the twelfth harmonic, 30°. semi-square The eighth harmonic, 45°; an important minor hard aspect in which planetary energies do not merge harmoniously but produce friction. separating aspect One in which the significator (faster moving planet of the two in aspect) is moving away from partile (the degree at which the aspect is exact). septile The seventh harmonic, 51 3/7°. A little-used minor aspect, probably inharmonious, thought to be associated with karma. sesquiquadrate, sesqui-square A multiple of the semi-square, and eighth harmonic aspect. A minor hard aspect, separating distance 135°, its influence is frictional. sesquiquintile See tredecile. sextile The sixth harmonic, 60°; a major easy aspect considered beneficial and opportune. shaping Descriptive of the visual arrangement of planets in a horoscope. Marc Edmund Jones identified seven different patterns: the Bowl, Bucket, Bundle, Locomotive, See-Saw, Splash and Splay. Each shaping type is linked to specific astrological conditions and a particular interpretational focus. See individual listings. shaping is also referred to as planetary pictures and planetary patterns. See also planetary patterns. short ascension Refers to the six signs that take less time than the other six to rise above the horizon, namely, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces; the spring and winter signs in the northern hemisphere. See also long ascension. sidereal astrology An astrological system based upon the constellations, not the tropical zodiac. sidereal day Twenty-four sidereal hours equal to 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds of clock time. sidereal time Time measured in relation to fixed stars, as distinguished from clock time, based upon the Sun's position relative to Earth. Astrological time data is listed in sidereal time units. sidereal zodiac Based on the division of the circle of twelve constellations: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces; the basis for sidereal astrology. significator The faster moving of two planets in aspect; the significator is said to aspect the slower moving planet (promittor). Also used in reference to the planetary ruler of a house, matter, object or person. See also promittor. singleton A planet that is the sole occupant of the horoscope hemisphere in which it is placed; said to give balance to a horoscope that has nine planets in the other hemisphere. See also Bucket. signs The twelve divisions of the zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. sinister aspect From the Latin sinister, left or left hand; a term replaced by modern astrologers with departing aspect, which refers to aspects in which the direction from significator to promittor is backward in the zodiac, clockwise in a horoscope. See also departing aspect. slow of course Term used to describe a planet's motion when its rate of travel is less than its mean daily motion. solar From the Latin sol, the Sun; refers to the Sun. solar chart A horoscope that is set up with the placement of the Sun positioned at the Ascendant. This type of chart is sometimes used with the hour of birth is not known. solar arc The distance the Sun travels from birth position to its secondary progressed position. A system of progressions adds the soar arc at a given year to the natal positions of house cusps and/or planets. A similar method based on the mean solar arc multiplies 59'08" (Naibod arc, Sun's mean daily motion) by the individual's age in years to determine the proper increment to add to natal positions. solar eclipse See eclipse. solar return, solar revolution A horoscope erected for the exact time in a given year when the transiting Sun reaches the same position it held in the natal horoscope; used to project conditions for the year of interest. solstice Either of two points on the ecliptic at which the Sun reaches it farthest point north (0° Cancer) or south (0° Capricorn) of the equator. The longest day of the occurs at summer solstice (first day of summer) as the Sun moves at its slowest rate; the winter solstice marks the shortest day of the year as the Sun reaches its fastest rate of travel. Splash A planetary arrangement described by Marc Edmund Jones in which the planets are fairly evenly distributed around the horoscope. This dispersion of planets suggests dispersion of interests. Splay A planetary arrangement identified by lack of symmetry and irregularly spaced planets and groups of planets as described by Marc Edmund Jones; symbolic of individualism and nonconformity. square Fourth harmonic, 90°. A major hard aspect, the square generates tension and stirs action. Also called a quadrate, quartile or tetragon. station A planet is said to "make a station" at the degree it occupies when it appears motionless as its direction changes from direct to retrograde or vise versa. stationary, stationary motion Term used to describe apparent lack of motion when a planet's direction of travel changes from direct (forward in the zodiac) to retrograde (backward in the zodiac) or vice versa. Planetary energy, focused at the stationary position, is considered strong in a horoscope when a planet is stationary. stellium A multiple conjunction that occurs within one sign or house, indicating a focal point of energy or interest. Also called a satellitium. the term may include multiple conjunctions that occupy more than one sign. See also multiple conjunction. succedent houses From the Latin succedere, to follow; houses two, five, eight and eleven, which follow the angular houses. Also called the fixed houses, being ruled naturally by the fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. The mode of action associated with these houses reflects fixed qualities of steadiness and reliability. superior planets Planets whose orbits are larger than Earth's. The term is sometimes restricted to the three outermost planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. swift in motion Said of a planet whose rate of travel is greater than its mean daily motion. synastry The astrological technique of comparing natal horoscopes to gain insight into the strengths and weaknesses inherent in the relationship that exists between the individuals involved. See also composite chart. synthesis The art of combining the various factors revealed in a horoscope and building a balanced judgment of the chart as a whole. syzygy From the Latin, yoked together; refers to points at which a planet conjuncts or opposes the Sun; usually used in reference to those Sun/Moon conjunctions and oppositions that are eclipse events. Table of Houses An astrological reference table, correlated with a particular house system, which lists the zodiacal positions of house cusps at various latitudes according to sidereal time. T-cross See T-square. temporal houses House two, six and ten, ruled by earth signs; symbolic of the material aspects life. As a group they form the Trinity of Wealth. terrestrial Of the Earth, Earth-related. terminal houses Those houses ruled naturally by water signs: four, eight and twelve. They pertain to endings and results and symbolize occult interests. Collectively, they are known as the Trinity of Psychism. Tetrabiblos Ptolemy's four-volume treatise on astrology (second century). See also Ptolemy, Claudius. tetragon An alternate term for the square aspect. See square. Thales 639-546 B.C., studied in Egypt and left nother in writing, but is said to have predicted an eclips which caused much alarm and ended the battle between the Medes and Lydians. transit The position and movement of a planet on a given day; used in reference to planets that pass over or aspect a natal planet or cross a natal house. translation of light A term used in horary astrology to describe the activity of a planet that applies in aspect, in turn, to two other planets that are separating from a mutual aspect, thereby translating "light" or energy and symbolically reuniting the planetes and the matters they represent. tredecile, trecile A minor easy aspect belonging to the tenth harmonic (decile) group; separating distance 108°. Also called a sesquiquintile. trigon The three member signs of a triplicity. Also used as an alternate term for grand trine. See also grand trine, triplicity. trine The third harmonic, 120°; the most influential major easy aspect. The trine blends planetary energies, harmoniously indicating ease of expression. triplicity A group of three signs belonging to the same element: fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius); earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn); air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius); and water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). The members of a triplicity lie 120° apart in the zodiac, forming a trigonal and harmonious relationship with each other. tri-septile A seldom-used minor aspect, probably inharmonious, belonging to the septile (seventh harmonic) family; separating distance, 154°17'. tropical signs Cancer and Capricorn; so-called because they occupy parts of the ecliptic where the Sun reaches its farthest point north (Tropic of Cancer) and south (Tropic of Capricorn). the Sun's ingress into these signs marks the summer and winter solstices respectively. See also solstice. tropical zodiac The circle of signs that follows the apparent path of the Sun (ecliptic). also called the movable zodiac because it shifts slightly each year relative to the constellations of the sidereal zodiac. See also Precession of the Equinoxes. T-square The aspect pattern formed when two planets in opposition both square the same third planet, which acts as a focal point for planetary energies. under the Sunbeams Said of a planet that is within 17° of the Sun but out of conjunction orb. universal time Greenwich Mean Time. Uranian astrology A school of astrology, founded by Alfred Witte in Hamburg, Germany, which relies heavily upon the interpretational emphasis of midpoints. In addition to traditional astrological elements, it includes as symbolic indicators eight hypothetical planets: Cupido, Hades, Zeus, Kronos, Apollon, Admetos, Vulkanus and Poseidon. vernal From the Latin vernus, belonging to spring; of or pertaining to spring. See also equinox. Vertex The point found in the western section of a horoscope that indicates the intersection of the ecliptic and prime vertical, called the "third angle of a horoscope". This point and its opposite, the Anti-Vertex, are sensitive degrees in a natal horoscope associated with fate and wish fulfillment. Vesta The fourth asteroid of astrological interest discovered in the early nineteenth century. Named after the virgin fire goddess (Roman), its symbolic influence is protective. Via Combusta Literally fiery way; refers to a section of fixed stars that falls between 15° Libra and 15° Scorpio. Used primarily in horary astrology as an indication of unfortunate or ineffectual situations. vigintile Alternate term for semi-decile. See semi-decile. vocational astrology That branch of astrology devoted to career counseling in terms of the aptitudes and needs shown in the natal horoscope. void-of-course A term describing a planet that does not apply to a major aspect until it changes sign, usually confined to reference to the Moon. In horary astrology, a void-of-course Moon indicates lack of action or dynamics. Vulcan A hypothetical planet whose orbit is said to lie between Mercury and the Sun, about twelve million miles from the Sun. Astronomers have no evidence of this planet as yet. Vulkanus The seventh symbolic planet used in Uranian astrology. See also Uranian astrology. waning That phase of the lunation cycle from full Moon (Sun/Moon opposition) to new Moon (Sun/Moon conjunction) during which the visible portion of the Moon decreases. water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, members of the water triplicity that symbolize receptivity, sensitivity and emotional depth. War time The name used for daylight saving time during periods of war. See also daylight saving time. waxing The phase of the lunation cycle from new Moon (Sun/Moon conjunction) to full (Sun/Moon opposition) during which the Moon appears to grow larger, increasing in light. yod An aspect configuration in which two planets in sextile both form a quincunx (inconjunct) with the same third planet; it is given a karmic connotation. Sometimes called the Finger of God. See also Finger of God. zenith The point in the celestial sphere directly overhead; opposite the nadir. the zenith and nadir are the poles of the horizon. Zeus The third symbolic planet used in Uranian astrology. See also Uranian astrology. zodiac From the Greek zodiakos, literally circle of animals. See also tropical zodiac, sidereal zodiac. zodiacal aspects Aspects based upon planets' zodiacal longitude as distinguished from parallels and contaparallels, which depend upon declination. |