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    A multiple vitamins and mineral product is a great starting place for everyone. Are you getting all of the vitamins and minerals needed to maintain a healthy body? If you are not already taking a quality multiple, chances are you are not.
    But which one? There are hundreds of them. That's why we have provided this abbreviated list of some of the best. Relax, you can't go wrong on this page.

More Than A Multiple?
(90 Tabs)

"More Than A Multiple? is a comprehensive dietary supplement that offers MORE of the nutrients you need every day, including vitamins, minerals... more

Earth Source Greens- Powder
(9.5 oz)

"Unique blend of nature's plant foods. Suitable for vegetarians. Solgar's Earth Source Greens & More Tablets are free of sugar, corn, yeast, wheat, so... more

Life Essence
(120 Tabs)

"We all know that vitamins and minerals are required for good health, and that they're hard to find in modern foods. But, so are many other nutrients.... more

Source of Life? No Iron
(90 tabs)

"Source of Life ""Burst of Energy"" is available in a no-iron formula. This is no ordinary vitamin.
Take a moment to study the list of powerful, ... more

Source of Life 90
(90 tabs)

"Source of Life is an incredible nutritional breakthrough which emulates nature's wholesome goodness with a powerful blend of nutrients. With its powe... more

Adult Chewable Multi-Vit/Min
(90 Tabs)

Nature's Plus offers a complete multivitamin and mineral in a delicious natural pineapple flavor for those who have difficulty swallowing tablets.... more

Earth Source Multi-Nut. Tabs
(90 Tabs)

"As humans, we are supposed to get all the nutrients we need to live from the food we eat. That's the way nature intended. Unfortunately, human lives ... more

VM-2000 - 90 Tabs -
(90 Tabs)

This power multi-vitamin by Solgar is a multinutrient system for the 21st century.... more

Daily One without Iron
(90 Caps)

TwinLab Daily One capsules are easier to swallow and assimilate. Well tolerated by most highly allergic individuals. Daily one is a well rounded multi... more

Liquid Multiple-Vitamins
(16 oz)

"Our Liquid Multi-Vitamins contain 14 essential vitamins with 100% of the RDA or more, of most of these vitamins, in a daily dose. Liquid Multi-Vitami... more

Basic #3 Multi Vitamin
(90 Tabs)

Basic #3 includes key ingredients to help combat any nutritional shortfalls while you're losing weight. more

Liquid Multi Vitamin/Mineral

"With over 130 nutrients...The benefits of a Multi Vitamin/Mineral are more important today than ever before.With the depleted nutrient content of our... more

Note: The products and the claims made about specific products or procedures on or through this website have not been evaluated by, eVitamins, or the United States Food and Drug Administration, and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician, other health care professional, or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Please consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.