A Special Offer for CouplesThe Personal Profile and Forecast ReadingsFirst, get it all for you and your partner. You will each receive a Personality Profile and Forecast reading. This reading covers all of the core elements plus all the extras, and the forecast section covers a full 9-year cycle discussing the pinnacle, periods, transits, personal years, and peronal months.The Relationship ReadingDetailed and indepth, my relationship compatibility report compares each of the core numbers and tells you about your relationship. It also suggests how to avoid pitfalls and roadblocks. Accurate and insightful, the reports also serves as forecast detailing your cycles and trends for the coming year.The reports gets into the Life Path number which gives a broad-brush outline of the relationship. This is derived from your birth dates. The match up of your Destiny or Expression number relates to your goals and orientation in life, and determines if these are in harmony. It cover the matchup of the Soul Urge and Personality (inner dreams), and ends with an important analysis of the Personal Year number which is so important in any relationship. Both readings are written by Hans Decoz, and it will be personally prepared by Michael McClain. Be assured there is no finer analysis on the market today. Bought individually, these items are $54.85; in this bundle just $29.95! Click Here to Place Order Readings will be prepared and emailed in two days. They will be sent as a PDF document which can be conveniently opened and read using Adobe Reader and/or downloaded to your printer. Thanks, Michael The Astrology Index | The Numerology Index |