astrology numerology

ASTRO*TALK -  Advanced Natal Report

This is a great reading available now at a very low price. Each reading is personally prepared by Michael McClain.  With this report you will get a personalized horoscope interpretation for you to keep.  

Each complete report comes with the following chapters:  An interesting introduction; the planets; Life Landscapes which provides a description of your major life periods; Your personal background, plus a close-up look at your current situation complete with dates.  Burn Rate -  a gauge of your peronal change and growth rate, i.e. do you run hot and fast? Do thinks in your life change rapidly?   Your Soul Type -your inner self is contrasted with your outer personality - find out what this means for you and your life.  Elemental Balance -close analysis of elements and more in your chart -measuring this gives a general picture of the real you. Challenges & Abilities - breakdown of areas of intense focus and activity in your chart. Challenges can be difficult, requiring caution & extra patience. Abilities are areas of clear insight and real talent. Being aware of both will be a great advantage to you;  Your Innermost Qualities; House Activity and Emphasis - a very important and influencial part of your horoscope are the houses in your chart and their planets in them. Major Transits - what's currently happening and what's about to happen in your life, giving precise dates; Explanatory Introduction to Astrology - for customers who would like to also learn more about astrology.

Get the famous Astro Talk reading for the low price of $12.95 Click here!
Get AstroTalk and TimeLine for $19.95 Click Here!


TIMELINE - Astrology Forecast Report

Your Personal Front Page: Today’s News, Tomorrow’s Headlines

After you’ve come to understand your natal chart, the next thing you’ll ask is: what’s happening now, and what’s in my future? This is where you’ll find the answers.

In the sky above you, as the planets outside spin their yarns, they touch your birth chart and change your life. At the same time, your own inner planets are slowly changing and developing, and together these “transits” (outside) and “progressions” (inside) tell the story of where you are and where you’re going. It’s your history in the making.

You tell history with a timeline, so why not tell the future that way? That’s just what this report does, lining up planetary events as they affect you from day to day, month to month, in chronological order. You get the lowdown on daily events blow-by-blow, and you get monthly wrap-ups so you get the big picture at the same time. It’s just like reading the news, except the stories are all about you:

Headlines – what planets are touching you, on a daily basis; Details – the story on just how each new event may affect you; Highlights – what’s above the fold – the most important events of the month featured for quick-glance, first focus.  In-depth coverage – transits, progressions, eclipses, house and sign changes, all combine to tell your story from all sides

You’ll read this report cover to cover when you get it, and you’ll go back to it on a daily basis to watch events unfold and prepare yourself for what’s coming next. But just be warned: it could be addictive. Once you find out how useful it is, you’ll always want to have the latest copy around…

Michael offers a full year forecast for only $12.95  Click Here to order, or better yet, get AstroTalk and TimeLine together for just $19.95!