SYNASTRY ASPECT CALCULATIONS If you want to know the aspects existing between two individual horoscopes (and you don't own astrology software designed to make this easy), you must manually compare the postions in both charts and list the existing conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions. If you are an experienced astrologer, you can probably figure these aspects without much fuss. But if you are a beginner, it can be a tedious task. We'll try to make it as simple as possible. First, visit the form that has been made to handle this task and make a copy of it to use as a worksheet. We will assign a position number value to each of the planets in both charts. Calculate the position of each planet by combining the number of degrees from 0 Aries (shown on the form) with the planet placement in the sign. Example: if the Sun in subject A's chart is at 11 degrees Leo, the position for the Sun in the graph would be noted by inserting the number 131 under Leo. Leo is 120 degrees from Aries, and the for this case, the Sun is 11 degrees into Leo. 120 plus 11 equals 131. After you have entered all of the positions in the worksheet form, get a copy of the Aspect Grid and begin entering the aspects in this form. An aspect is formed when the difference in degrees between a planet in chart A and another planet in chart B equals one of the following:
Note: when the distance between a planet in A's chart and a planet in B's chart is greater than 180 degrees, deduct the number from 360. This will give you the correct distance going the shorter route around the circle. Now begin with the Sun position in A's chart. Compare it to each of the planets in B's chart. Record on the aspect grid all of the aspects that you find. Follow this procedure for the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars in A's chart. Then go to the Sun in B's Sun. Here you will only have to calculate aspects between Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus Neptune and Pluto since the others were calculated while working though A's planets. We won't deal with aspects, if any, between the other planets as they are not particularly relevant in synastry. Complete this process with B's Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. With the Aspect Grid in hand, you are now ready to review the delineations of synastry aspects that you have found. © Michael McClain 1997-2007. Permission is granted for unlimited noncommercial use. All other rights reserved. |