Astrology Index
Numerology Index

Get a handle on your relationship issues.  Visit here.

We are now offering ChildStar, a complete natal chart reading for your child.  This is an amazing reading.  Learn more.  Click here. is designed to help you learn to prepare your own astro readings, but if you're in a hurry and want help, Michael has a deal for you! Personal, complete, and professional, his inexpensive astrology natal chart and complete year forecast readings are hard to resist.  More information.

Take a look at TimeLine, the ultimate astrology forecast report.  Details here.

Friends and Lovers - One of the first questions anyone asks of an astrologer is: Is this person right for me?  The answer and more info....

The new BODY & SOUL reading taps into ancient medical astrology ideas and remedies, and presents them in a modern day printout. This is a very comprehensive running 30-50 pages.  Body & Soul can help everyone from the beginner to the professional learn how to improve themselves physically and spiritually.  Learn more.

Astro*Talk -
This is a great reading available now at a very low price. Each reading is personally prepared by Michael McClain.  More info...

The Absolute Best Selection Of Mind Altering Recordings!  Pick Your Passion...

Astral Projection,  Christ Consciousness,  ESP,  Stress Release and Sleep,  Deep Sleep,  Lucid Dream,  Third Eye,  Meditation,  Past Life Regression,  Astral Lucid Past Life,  Aura Viewing,   Manifestation Recording,   Shaman Consciousness,  Shaman Spirit Guide & Past Life,  DNA Stimulation,  Telepathy,  Endorphin Release,  Hypnosis, Remote Viewing,  Chakra Stimulation,  20 Minute Chakra,  Creativity Package,    Achievement,  Motivation,  Creativity,  Prosperity,  Path to Success,  Relaxation,  Calm Down,  Weight Control, Weight Loss Motivation & Hypnosis,  Weight Loss,  Memory,  Attention Disorder, and Good Health

Free sample and free mind tip!

Our friends at Matrix software our offering some of their best selling software programs on a 30 day FREE TEST basis. Give them all a test drive! Wow your friends and family for at least 30 days - pay nothing. Maybe you'll decide to buy and help us pay the rent!

Numerology Profile Reading offered by Michael McClain.  The complete report delivers 20 sets of numbers and letters, all addressing varying aspects of your life including health, career, love, finances, secret desires and challenges.. Read more.

Michael's numerology forecast report handles the hard part of the numerology calculations as it provides accurate readings for the Pinnacles, the transits (physical, mental, and spiritual), the Essence, Personal Years, and Personal Months for the next two years.  You can tackle it on your own on this site, but if you want to be pampered and spoon-fed, here it is for just $12.95 Order or get the Profile and Forecast for only $19.95. More info

Ackerman, Shelley - Karmic Relief is the astrology web site of astrologer Shelley Ackerman offering forecasts, StarFish Commentaries - comprised of celebrity and newsmaker articles, Weekly Updates, and information on her various astrological reading services.
Akasha Astrological Jewelry A really cool site for buying jewelry based on your personal horoscope.

Antiquus Astrology Old and ancient but venerable and time honored.  Traditional astrology books, treatises and readings.

Astralis by Sting Ray - offers a free weekly horoscope plus a lot of good info on astrology (including Chinese), numerology, the tarot, and other articles of interest.
 Astrocal A site focused on the Moon. A lot of interesting information and quoting Jonathan Cainer, "The best moon calendar there is, everyone who has an interest in Astrology should have one".
Astro*Carto*Graphy . Find out how moving can change your life with a color A*C*G world map 3 location analysis by legendary astrologer AstroCartoGraphy pioneer, Jim Lewis.  
Astrodienst Time Zone Atlas (for birth place query and horoscope of the moment) 
AstroFuture Trends by Philip Brown Some great articles relating to current events. Philip Brown, M.A., is the author of numerous articles on a variety of forward-looking (he has a 5th house Leo stellium and five planets in fire signs) astrology topics which have appeared in The Mountain Astrologer and other astrology publications.
Astrohelper is an excellent program that calculates planets in signs, houses, aspects, plus the ascendant, and then interfaces with for interpretations. Program designed by Kai Nicolai Priddy. Astrologer Steven Winder offers a wide variety of articles, astrological weather forecast, and general astro info.  Free newsletter.  Interesting.

Astroroom - Basics of a natal horoscope; sunsigns, moonsigns, love compatibility. Articles on different subjects and links to great websites within the field of
astrology. is an excellent resource for serious essays uniting cultural analysis and astrology.
The Astrolog Homepage. Astrolog 5.40 is a 100% freeware astrology program, with versions for Windows, DOS, the Macintosh, and Unix, and the complete source code is available too. This is the site that makes learning about astrology here online possible.
Astrological horoscopes & Forecasts by astrologer Kevin Burk.  Excellent site. His frequently asked questions sections contains some of the best astrology info online.
Astrology for the Soul Offering daily horoscopes, chat, a newletter, and astrology course; all free. Also an excellent collection of great articles.
Astrology - Horoscope Find Your Fate, the online source for astrology, palmistry, horoscope, vastu, panchang, numerology and many more...
Astrology in the Age of Aquarius Much information for the beginner or serious student of astrology. A little slow to load and ads become annoying.
Astrological Information by Edmond Wollmann A wealth of astrological information; counseling services. This site is somewhat beyond the beginner level.
Astrology Insight Astrological signs and original free daily horoscopes by Astrologer Michael Emerson.
Astrology Online Billed as the largest astrology site online. I think may be a bit bigger, but nonetheless, there's a lot of stuff here.
Astrology Sight- Providing spiritually focused astrological counseling, classes and tutoring that honors psychological depth and complexity while promoting free will and the attunement to the soul mission.
Astrology Shop Online - exclusive range of psychological horoscopes by Liz Greene, Rob Hand and other professional astrologers. Also, news, articles, lunar phase calendars, books, video and The Astrology Shop (Covent Garden), London.
Astrology with Elizabeth  A look at astrology from the feminine perspective.
 Astrology with Jan Spiller - Jan Spiller's official website. Featuring Daily Moon Signs and Phases, Void-of Course Moon times, and psychic Goddess Oracles. Free Horoscopes, Charts, and Personal Daily Readings.
Astrology Weekly This is truly one of the best and most comprehensive astrology sites I have seen. Lots of stuff here.
Astrology with Isabelle Weekly astro forecasts.
Astrology Wizard Official website of professional astrologer Paul Wade. Free zodiac screensavers, fun astrology games, free monthly forecasts, free Sun sign analyses, astrologywizard chatroom & forum too!
Astrology 4 You Learn more about astrology, reincarnation, karma and spiritual-new age subjects. French-Speaking Site...a good one.
Astro-Services is a new site that promises information for the casual enquirer as well as the serious student; material will range through astrology and astronomy and their history, mythology, archaeoastronomy and more. is a varied topic, wide-ranging, and very interesting place to visit.
Ron Bippus - Ron is noted for his expertise in Rectification along with his research on the physical and psychological characteristics of the Ascendant. Also offers a course on horary astrology.
The BioPsciences Institute on Astrology by Martin Bulgerin - The author share his take on what's happening in our ecosystem lately.
Cafe Astrology Intepretations, tools, and guides in the areas of natal, relationship, and predictive astrology, with a focus on the astrology of love and relationships.
Design to a T Clipart Thanks to this site for the use of our new logo, the Water Bearer. They have a lot of nice astro clipart.
Lubomir Dimitrov, Astrologer - Offers articles on astrology and numerology
 Elsa Elsa - An astrology based Advice Blog. You'll like it.
Equinox Astrology features unique selection of Equinox personal horoscopes, yearly forecasts, child profiles, compatibility written by astrologer Robert Currey plus the Equinox Moon Calendar  
ExploreAstrology Offers a unique reference point on everything about astrology and star signs. This site will help you learn more about Astrology, its origins and its effect on culture and lifestyle.
 Live Astrology Readings from Astro*Live*Link Consult expert professional astrologers for a reading over the telephone from anywhere in the world. Advice on your horoscope, future, love, compatibility or money.  This is a really slick site that will give you a free read using tropical and Chinese astrology plus numerology.  Go try.

The Lost Horoscope X Files This is a unique site designed for the professional looking for good astrology software, and for the novice looking for great astrology content. One of the very best.
Manic Raven Good basic astrology info and more.
Marjorie Orr's Astro Information A daily free horoscope, interesting articles, politics and celebrities. This one has it all.
Mars Hill Astrology Seminary Astrologer Gary P. Caton offers astrology e-zine with articles, forecasts and info on intentional community.
Metastudies University - Home study courses in Astrology, Tarot, Handwriting Analysis, Candle Magick, and Metaphysics.
Moon Valley Astrologer  A rare site with much to say. Learn basic astrology and much, much more. Noncommercial.
Jessica Murray - Astrology  Site offers an amazing depth of astrology articles, and reviews of her new book, Soul-Sick Nation: An Astrologer's View of America, which provides a perspective as extraordinary as the times we are living in.

New Aeon Astrology - Information about Western Astrology, including basic tutorials on the Signs, Planets, Houses, Aspects, Elements and Modalities.
NewAge Online Australia A great new age address.
Panplanet - The home site of internationally renowned astrologer Linda Reid, author, teacher and lecturer. Astrology at Canopus Academy is your portal to excellence in Astrological education.
Quincunx Astrology Interesting articles and a free chart offer (free chart, not free reading).
The Seattle Metaphysical Library A treasure trove lending library featuring the best in astrological literature.
Skyscript: Deborah Houlding's Astrology Pages Articles, a beginner course, a forum, and a great quiz, plus a comprehensive database of astrological events; conferences, talks, workshops and seminars. This site is well put together and will entertain for hours.
The Soul Agenda Center providing complimentary information on Astrology (including a free copy of your horoscope), Bach Flower Remedies, Dreams, Meditation, Reiki, and Holistic Healing.
Soul Healing Astrologer Hank Friedman's articles on astrology and astrology software are geared to the serious student and professional. Hank's unique work also touches on blending Western and Vedic astrologies.
StarIQ Free personalized astrology forecasts via email. Extensive directory of astrologers. New articles daily about celebrities, health, relationships, business, finance and sports with an astrological perspective.
Starlight Astrology Much free information along with a variety of professional readings.
TimeCycle Research Macintosh Astrology software. I've purchased several of their programs.
Urania Russian and English language astrology articles, book reviews, magazine, and free natal charts.
Vedic  Astrology Center of the Rocky Moutains - Vedic Astrology articles, courses and consultations by ACVA certified professional Astrologer, Laura Barat. 
Vesta and the Planetoid Belt by Hans-Hinrich Taeger. Interested in Virgo, this is a must read.
Elbert Wade, Astrologer Elbert Wade sold me my very first astrology books from his office/ school/ bookstore in Dallas. It was the mid-70s, and there weren't too many places to buy astrology books in Dallas, Texas. His site offers a ton of interesting reading.
The Word of the Stars A definition of astrology, and provides information on planets, signs, aspects and houses.
World of Wisdom Astrology shareware, good articles, and more.
Zodiac Arts is the website of astrologers Sandra and David Mosley.  Very interesting and highly recommended.

Zodiac Compatibility discusses the compatibility potential between zodiac signs.
The Zodiac and Its Mysteries A book written by A. F. Seward and published in 1915 is presented online here.
The Zodiac Hacker One of those rare astrology sites in which you can learn something.
Zodiacal Zephyr by Sandra Rozhon. . . amazing site loaded with wonderful material. Favorite link site.
Zoller, Robert A medievalist, Latinist, student and practitioner of medieval astrology, Zoller returns to the fountainhead of medieval astrology.
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